The orchestra career began in victorious 1945. Within 25 years (from 1958 to 1983) orchestra was directed by Yury Silantyev. His name was appropriated to an orchestra in 1999. Since 2007 the orchestra is directed by the honored figure of arts in Russia, known composer Alexander Klevitsky. With the income of the new director the orchestra structure was considerably updated.
The Academic Big Concert Orchestra of Y.Silantyev is the unique full-scale creative collective working in a variety genre. In the present structure orchestra almost doesn’t have any professional difficulties. Musicals and jazz, popular music of Russian composers and world smash hits, film music - everything subject to an orchestra. Any of concert programs doesn't repeat another. Performance of the Academic Big Concert Orchestra of Y.Silantyev is always great!
Extraordinary wide repertoire of orchestra and as extensive concert activity and a lot of shootings on television promotes growth and strengthening of authority of collective. The orchestra constantly acts at the main concert venues of the capital, participates in creative evenings of the most popular actors of Russia. Leading Russian TV channels - the First, RTR, NTV and Culture regularly write down and show collective performances. For today with the Academic Big Сoncert Orchestra of Y.Silantyev worked Alexandra Pakhmutova, Evgeny Krylatov, Josiph Kobzon, Lev Leshchenko, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Sergey Mazayev and many others.
Over the last 10 years orchestra participated in Mireille Mathieu, Sergey Penkin, Sergey Mazayev, Mario Frangulis, Lev Leshchenko, Valentina Tolkunova and Levon Oganezova's unique concerts.
With big success passed orchestra concerts with a world star of the jazz - the American saxophonist Kenny G.
In 2012 the long-awaited world premiere of concert performance with a live sound of the project of Era of the French composer Eric Levi and took place in City Crocus Hall. Fall of 2012 in a concert hall of Tchaikovsky the orchestra submitted the program of cult composer E.Artemyev music to Nikita Mikhalkov's movies. The orchestra of Silantyev adequately made a speech at the first and second competition of vocalists of Magomayev in City Crocus Hall.
Now the well-known collective under control of maestro Alexander Klevitskiy is in a brilliant professional form, keeps the traditions put by the outstanding master Yury Silantyev, and also looks for new ways of creative expression of modern musical art.